your strength gives me hope.

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I agree 100% with your analysis, Dan. The talking heads can analyze ad infinitum why Harris list, but my own opinion is that the primary reason is misogyny, that the patriarchy is so strong in this country that, sadly, even far too many women vote against their own best interests and physical safety. And if there was anything worse than having a woman as president, it's having a woman of color, which is the secondary reason Harris lost. A 60-something friend of mine was out washing her windows shortly after the election. Her large Harris-Biden sign was still up. A pickup truck with several young white males drove back and forth past her house several times yelling misogynistic insults and threats. Some of the women-only Facebook pages I follow are reporting elementary age daughters coming home asking "What does 'Your body, MY choice' mean?" or asking what rape is. Older girls just walking home from school are having similar threats yelled at them by passing males. I'm having trouble coping with my anger and disgust, and I know it's bad for my physical and emotional health. I've purged my "friends" list of anyone I know or strongly suspect voted for this, because I want nothing more to do with their toxicity. I'm not into the Bible -- it's been too weaponized by the Christian Nationalists -- but I came across a passage that really resonates: 1 Samuel 8:10-22.

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I am also processing the election result but this is so wrong. Folks thinking is reduced by the blitz of tweets and constant messaging. They will wake up when the realize how reduced their circumstances and opportunities have be come or maybe not?

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